Collection: Mason Storm

What can be said about Mason that he hasn't already said himself?  Enfant terrible or loveable rogue, he’s been called many things over the years and most are unrepeatable. Often a divisive character with as many detractors as fans, Mason loves to tease and poke fun at critics and embrace (sometimes literally) and interact with his fans. But, there is one thing everyone can agree on, the beauty of his work.

As an artist, Mason flits from one medium to another, painting, sculpture, photography or anything else that may take his fancy in any given day. However, it is skill with a brush that has set him apart from his peers. A masterful touch and appreciation of materials and techniques sees him move seamlessly from baroque masterpieces to contemporary cartoon and everything in between. 

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Mason storm - available now

Whilst a lot of my work is classical in nature and technique, I’ve always embraced new technology and techniques to try and achieve the results I am after. Sometimes it works and sometimes it’s a disaster.

The recent rise in AI and the heated debate around it is something that a visual artist cannot ignore. It’s currently in its infancy and who knows where it will go.

So, for this body of work I asked hundreds of people, the gallery included, for key words I could turn into a digital alphabet soup which I could throw into an AI programme and see what it coughs up! Some of the results have been strange and some have been downright sinister. I see AI as a kind of digital subconscious, which is often disturbing.

AI draws (pardon the pun) on previously existing images and then turns those into a digital collage. I wanted to take those digital images and complete the circle by turning them back into physical oil paintings, dragging the modern back into the past.

This current selection of oils are my favourites and I hope people like them, and if they don’t, they could get one of those ‘artists’ who just print off their AI images to sort them out!

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    “What’s the point of being a genius if you can’t share that with everyone, even the buggers who don’t like you? Life’s too short for nonsense. We are here for a good time not a long time”

    Mason Storm 

    • Mason Storm - Theft From Above
      17 June - 23 July 2021

      Theft From Above: a homage, a poking of the Hornets’ nest, an honest exploration of authorship and inspiration or outright daylight robbery? Given Mason’s past history with urban arts other man of mystery, the similarities and motifs in this new body of work are less than subtle. Indeed they are glaringly obvious and are bound to illicit howls of derision and cries of ‘rip off’ and opportunist.

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